

Welcome to God's Will Church Website

About Us



God’s will church was officially begun in the year 2015 by pastor Stellah. It was started in a single room with five members among them were two of her children. Pastor Stellah had very few resources and very little money when she started the church. The environment was very hostile towards her but still she persisted through the hard work persistence and prayers of pastor Stellah and the assistance of apostle Juma, God’s will has come a long way from its humble beginning and the church has now a big hall which can hold a capacity of over 70 members. It has a kitchen, an office a store, washrooms and a spacious compound, currently the community has become friendlier towards pastor Stellah and the church as a whole. Because they have seen a greater transformation in their children lives and the community at large.

Our Vision



Our vision is to raise and transform many people who will leave Christ legacy for generations to come: John 4:7-10. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water Jesus said to her, “will you give a drink? His disciples had gone into the town to buy food. (The Samaritan woman said to him “you are a Jew and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?) For Jews do not associate with Samaritan. Jesus answered he “if you knew the gift of God and who it is that ask you for drink. You would have asked him and he would have given you living water,

Church shots

This are some pictures of Activities in our church


Church Sesions

06:00 am – 07:00am (Morning Devotion)

07:00 am – 08:00am (Bible Study)

08:00 am - 10:00am (Sunday School)

10:00 – 01:00pm (Main Service)

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Office Bearers

1. Kenneth Kamu - Chairman - 0715342683

2. Jane Ndungu - Chairlady - 0726 891199

3. John Maina - Vicechairman - 0726 774287

4. Margaret Maina - Secretary - 0732 682988

5. Mwary Mwadime - Treasurer - 0725 601060

6. Alice Muthoni - Member - 0724 320753

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Contact Us

Off Kangundo road kayole junction – Nairobi

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